Under One Roof
Read Father Kunkel's Full Letter HereFor where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.
Construction is underway on our new school building and the first floor will open Spring 2026! We need to raise approximately $2M per floor to finish the Basement, 2nd Floor, and 3rd Floor. Let's get all our students Under One Roof!
Under One Roof is a 3-year capital campaign kicking off in January 2025 as St. Thomas celebrates our 75th Jubilee Anniversary. Father Steve Kunkel is asking for 100% community participation. Every gift counts! Customize your giving plan with weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments over time. Consider matching the Pastor with a gift of $100/month or commemorate our 75th Jubilee Anniversary with a larger pledge of $7,500. See the giving chart below for other gift amounts.
We also accept cash, check, or securities. Checks can be made payable to Saint Thomas the Apostle, memo: Under One Roof.
To donate securities/stocks, please contact Bri Cooney in the Office of the Pastor at bcooney@staphx.org.