Under One Roof

Read Father Kunkel's Full Letter Here

For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

Matthew 6:21

Construction is underway on our new school building and the first floor will open Spring 2026! We need to raise approximately $2M per floor to finish the Basement, 2nd Floor, and 3rd Floor. Let's get all our students Under One Roof!

Under One Roof is a 3-year capital campaign kicking off in January 2025 as St. Thomas celebrates our 75th Jubilee Anniversary. Father Steve Kunkel is asking for 100% community participation. Every gift counts! Customize your giving plan with weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments over time. Consider matching the Pastor with a gift of $100/month or commemorate our 75th Jubilee Anniversary with a larger pledge of $7,500. See the giving chart below for other gift amounts.


We also accept cash, check, or securities. Checks can be made payable to Saint Thomas the Apostle, memo: Under One Roof.

To donate securities/stocks, please contact Bri Cooney in the Office of the Pastor at  bcooney@staphx.org.