Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
"The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life."
Does your love for the Eucharist include a desire to distribute Communion at Mass or bring Communion to those in hospitals, nursing homes or the homebound? Would you like to assist the Priest at Mass by distributing the Eucharist as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion share the Real Presence of Christ with those in their parish community. The Eucharist, body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ is at once a sacrifice, thanksgiving, praise, nourishment, healing, giving and receiving. It encapsulates our faith in Jesus’ saving acts through his life, death, and resurrection. A special minister of the Eucharist, in giving Christ to the communicant, is witnessing to Christ’s love.
To join this special ministry, volunteers are required to be practicing Catholics, current on their Safe Environment Training and 16 years or older. Training for this ministry is done by appointment with the Liturgical Coordinator.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound
This ministry brings the Eucharist to a member of the parish who is sick or homebound. This can be a long term or short-term assignment based upon the needs of the recipient. Once a need is communicated to the parish office, a minister is assigned to the parish member. The volunteer will contact the person in need, or the requester, to arrange a time and day for visits. This ministry is meant to serve those who are in an extreme circumstance and are unable to attend Mass with their parish community. It also requires the volunteer to have strong communication skills and maintain prudence when interacting with the sick/homebound and their caregivers/family.
To join this special ministry, volunteers are required to be practicing Catholics, current on their Safe Environment Training and 21 years or older. Training for this ministry is done by appointment with the Liturgical Coordinator.