Scripture Speaks

Pope Benedict XVI, in his recent apostolic exhortation, Verbum Domini, took up the great themes that developed in the Church’s Synod on Scripture, held in Rome in October of 2008. The Synod was called together to evaluate the fruit of Dei Verbum, the document from Vatican II on Divine Revelation. The Fathers noted at the Synod that although much progress has been made in the Church’s call to the faithful to deepen their love for and knowledge of Sacred Scripture, there was still much to be done to fulfill the vision of Dei Verbum. Pope Benedict writes that, “With the Synod Fathers, I express my heartfelt hope for the flowering of ‘a new season of greater love for Sacred Scripture on the part of every member of the People of God, so that their prayerful and faith-filled reading of the Bible will, with time, deepen their personal relationship with Jesus.’”
Scripture Speaks WebsiteBy Gayle Somers