Merry Christmas and Welcome to Saint Thomas the Apostle!

11-17-2015AllFr. Steve

We are so happy and blessed to have each of you join us for this celebration marking one of the holiest days of the year and, arguably, the most impactful event in human history – the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Throughout history, man has searched for God in countless ways, in varied lands and through numerous religions. Christmas is about a different search - God’s search for man. And, through the birth of His son Jesus Christ, God has found us! Saint Augustine documented how he searched for God for years and years before finally realizing that he had to open up his heart and allow God to find him. He wrote “My heart was restless until it rested in you my Lord!”

For me, Christmas invokes memories of family, wonder, beauty, good food, and love. My hope is that you and your family are filled with God’s blessings; that you can lift up your prayers and praises with us; that you can know the God who loves us all so much that he became one with us! I pray that we may all be touched by Christ's love this day and always.