Study the Catechism in a Year

Add Mon, Aug 26 @ 6:00 PM (weekly)

Really like the ‘Catechism in a Year’ podcast? Want to go deeper? Many of you listen to the wonderful 'Catechism in a Year' podcast. We are excited to offer our 'Study the Catechism in a Year' program, which reconfigures our previous offerings into an exciting year-long process. Our 'Study the Catechism in a Year' allows for important personal elements, including interaction with an instructor and students from Arizona and abroad.

This will meet on Monday nights beginning on Mon, Aug 26 at 6:00pm. If you simply want to participate and not do homework, we offer a new lower-pricing option.

For those interested, the ICT offers the optional opportunity to do homework towards a certificate and/or college-credit.